Why bother painting your own nails?


Let’s face it. We, women of the 21st century, literally have NO time at all. Period.

Sometimes, it is even difficult to meet up with our friends as we have to spend quality time with our family, boyfriend, husband, you name it. SO, we can sometimes forget about “me” time.

Whenever I needed to attend a function, painting my nails have always been the last on my list. I always allocate time to buy new clothes =_=”, do my hair and put on make up. Well, at least I take the time and effort to look good.

But, is it worth it?

That RM 249 dress from Dorothy Perkins which I will probably wear only once a year? That RM 230 Urban Decay Naked Smoky Eyeshadow Palette from Sephora that I bought in which I would only use it for several handful occasions in a year. All that just for 1 night, and the dinner I attended probably lasted not more than 5 hours (7pm – 11pm?).

But, the feeling I got wearing that new dress. That smoky-eyed look I had been practising for the past few weeks so that I don’t look like I had a bruised eye, or a panda. After burning a huge hole in my pocket, getting a manicure and pedicure done was out of the question. My nails are probably the last thing people will notice. In fact, nobody will look at my nails anyway.

As I was getting ready, the reflection of my bare nails on my painted face caught my attention. I thought it looked really … plain. My first thought was, maybe I should have gotten a manicure, but I was so busy with work that I didn’t have the time to go to a nail salon.

When I was driving, I stopped at the traffic light and stared into mid-air, wondering who would have arrived at the dinner and who I was going to sit next to. Then, my gaze fell on my plain bare nails and I thought to myself again – it looked so empty. I mean, nobody is going to look at my nails so why do I care how empty it looked? It was just so frustrating and unfathomable.

At the wedding, I strode into the ballroom, feeling great in my new dress and not overly done make-up. I raised my hand to shake hands with the bride and groom to congratulate them and again, my eyes fell on my nails. =_=

At the dinner, I was happily talking to my friends when I realised that my gaze went from their make up, to the outfits they wore that night and of course, their nails. Most of them had their nails done, of course. And then it hit me. I thought nobody would notice my nails, but there I was, checking out my friends’ (and other ladies’) outfits and nails!

It was at that moment that I realised that, our nails, are actually part of our outfit. If only I had a bottle of nail polish at home. Then I would be able to paint my nails, even though I didn’t have time to visit the nail salon.

From that day onwards, I have started stocking up on nail polish – mainly from OPI. It’s not because I prefer branded stuff but their products are one of the best. I’ve tried other cheaper brands from Sasa. Well, some are okay but they just don’t deliver as well as OPI does, you know what I mean? I just find myself reaching for my OPI or Butter London nail polishes.

Now, if I ever want to do a normal manicure, I just do my nails at home. As it is so much more convenient. And, not to mention, the amount of money I save from doing my own nails is, huge! Imagine spending at least RM 70 for a simple manicure and all I had was plain coloured nail polish on my nails. And they’re not even gel !! Nor are there any designs on my nails; it would cost at least RM 5 per design drawn on each nail. A bottle of nail polish costs less than RM 70 and it lasts me for 2 years and still counting? I remember the first bottle of nail polish I bought was OPI’s Yoga-ta Get This Blue. Then it was Bogota Blackberry. Both are metallic and unfortunately, Yoga-ta Get This Blue is no longer available in OPI’s official website. They have probably discontinued that colour to make way for new shades. Anyway, I still love that colour and if it ever grows thicker, I can always add Nail Lacquer Thinner and voila – as good as new.

I will tell you more about adding nail lacquer thinner to your old / thickened nail polish in my next post, so stay tune!